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my love story

Love story


On one day there were two unexpected - expect brought together by God in a beautifull place which later became lovers since January 29 BC.
Then they spend the day always together. Happy, hard, sad, happy feeling always together. With laughter, and kept always together wherever they are.
Seconds to change minute, minute change hour, hour to change the day, and days turned into months, they continued together, then six months have passed and many disasters and problems that continue to confront and disrupt their relationship.
One time they fight each other, their quarrels caused by lack of mutual understanding, lack of attention, lack of trust, and third parties. Their argument continued through months to months of nonstop, until finally a big quarrel in his final year at New Year's Eve. Then make them move away and the more damage their relationship.
The new year was over they were still fighting, then approached the January 29, the man invite the women meet at a place, after they met each other was the man gave a shock to the woman in the form of video documentation that makes the woman's tears and realized that the woman had hurt the man, then the woman hugged the man, but arrived the men fainted, and then immediately taken to the Hospital.
A month later the man regained consciousness, when the man to open her eyes the women in front of him already there waiting for her faithful lover. Then the woman promised to always beside him and promised to always be aware of all actions that do not pay attention to the man and did not want menguanginya again.
Now both of them were always together up to the altar. Until finally they were in get two children. They had it all with a happy and peaceful. To the end they were always together. Then because they are always together so they buried one grave that no separating them.

THE end.

Candra Agil Pratama, SMA N 1 Boyolali

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